Hetchins Lightweight Cycle Specialists,
the company founded in 1934 by Hyman Hetchin,
currently trades under the name
Hetchins Lightweights.
It is managed by David Miller;
the frame builder is Paul Riley.
For new production or renovation
Hetchins Lightweights U.S.A. distributor is Creekside Bikes, Parker CO:
The current model is the Magnum Opus Mk iii.
Other lug patterns,
conventional stays,
color, chroming, etc.
to customer specification.
Below: Magnum Opus De Luxe.
Below: Magnum Opus Anniversary edition,
first offered as a limited edition in 1994
commemorating the patent on the curly stays (1934).
Below: Magnum Opus De Luxe track frame,
full chrome finish,
Six-Day transfers.
Below: Ultralite model, O/S tubing, carbon fork.
Below: touring bike, conventional stays.
Below: Magnum Opus tandem.
New frames can be made to the newest specs (such as disc brake mounts), or old specs.
New frames to old specs are permitted at vintage cycling events (including L'Eroica).
Below: disc brake mount.
Farther below: modern frame to fit NOS Campagnolo NR components.
Farther below: modern frame to fit 1950s components.
Below: frame builder, Paul Riley.
Frame: Reynolds 953 O/S, carbon fork, conventional stays.
For 90 years, Hetchins have built superior quality
lugged steel frames for the discerning enthusiast and racer.
Then as now, Hetchins is the standard by which others are judged.
Click here for an article on why lugged steel frames are still viable in the age of plastic.
See the link below for an article on lugged steel frames: