Hetchins model types are generally categorized by lug design (with a few exceptions for racing bikes, such as Six-Day, Massed Start, TRIO, and so on). See the Quick Model Identifier for a rough overview of lug designs. For more detailed specifications, see The Various Models and Lug Designs pages.

In some cases it is possible to identify a particular frame. This is usually based on documentary evidence or anecdotal evidence deriving from the original owner. Separate production and sales records of the Hetchins workshop were kept from its inception in 1935. However, the production records dry up mysteriously in January 1973. The Hetchins Register, for many years kept and updated by Len Ingram, a few frame builder's cards, and sales ledgers, comprise the documentary evidence. Thus, identification of particular frames is often possible; the information may include: the date of order, production, &/or sale; frame builder, color scheme, original owner or dealer, model type, size, whether curly or straight, frame number, and so on. For further information or help verifying the identity of a Hetchins frame, contact the Editor:

Frames from the period from 1973 to about 1989 are more difficult to identify, as shop records are not available. For frames produced from 1973 to about 1989, we are dependent on reports from owners as to what the models are, dates of purchase, and any other details they can provide. Original-owner documents (sales receipts, purchase orders, correspondence, etc.) are particularly helpful, but rare. Thus, in the absence of original-owner documents, identifying and dating specific frames from 1973 until 1989 is less certain. As we learn of more surviving frames, the puzzle becomes clearer. See original owner documentation.

In general: the model type can usually be ascertained from the lug pattern or other features; the year (and sometimes the month) of production can be ascertained from the frame number.

The frame number on historic Hetchins is usually stamped onto the rear dropout and may consist of three to seven digits, sometimes (but not always) preceded by a letter. See Frame Numbers.

For help identifying a general model type see Quick Model Identifier. For help determining the year of production of a specific frame, contact this web site (with frame number):

|   Introduction   |   Editorial   |   The Hetchins Register  |

|   Restoration   |   Identification (Serial Numbers)  |

|   The Various Models   |   Rare Models  |

|   Catalogs   |   Production History  |

|   Racing Heritage   |   Harry, Jack,& Alf   |   Special Features  |

|   Frame Components   |   Transfers   |   Lug Designs  |

|   Gallery  |

|   For Sale Used   |   New Production  |

|   Other Marques   |   Copycats  |

|   Contacts & Links   |  toc  |
