The model designation is a bit confusing. The champagne-colored frame, above, shows the characteristic Mk II lugwork, whereas the gold-flam frame, below, is designated a Mk 2, although it has what we now call Mk III lugs.
The explanation, I think, lies in the change-over from Hetchins to Bob Jackson. When Alf sold the business in 1985/6, the Hetchins and Bob Jackson production operations were consolidated at Bob Jackson Cycles in Leeds. At this time a new Magnum Opus lug pattern was introduced. The first foto above shows the old MO lug pattern, introduced by Hetchins in 1953, and the second foto shows the new MO lug pattern, introduced by Bob Jackson Cycles. As far as Jackson were concerned, the new one was the Mk 2, assuming that the old one was the Mk 1. But the old one was in fact already a Mk 2 version, being a development of the very first MO design from 1950; so the Jackson designation of Mk 2 should be understood as Mk 3. It would appear that Jackson produced both patterns for a short period.
Head lugs compared above: Mk II left, Mk III right.
Head tubes compared (above).
Bottom brackets compared (above).
Magnum Opus iii
Leeds, 1987
This 22.5 inch frame features gold flam lacquer with brown bands; no braze-ons; Campag Super Record chainset & brake callipers, Campag Record platform pedals, Campag Record 8 speed mechs & Ergo levers, Cinelli bars and stem, Campag 700c Ypsilon aero rims on Campag Record 8 speed hub, Brooks Professional saddle on Campag Record twin bolt seatpin. The frame was especially made for the catalog.
(Bob Johnson kindly supplied information and photos.)
The above frames should be compared with the following two, which became the standard (not deluxe) flagship MO iii model:
MO standard example 1
MO standard example 2