The Magnum Opus Ph II is the design which most typifies the 'Hetchins look' and remained largely unchanged for 30 years. Below is a very late version of the Ph II design, probably stemming from late 1970s or early 1980s. (Paint by Ellis Briggs.) Of note are the following: pencil chainstays (Hetchins moved to ovals about 1981) combined with the engraved wrapover topeyes (which were introduced in the late 1970s); by the time this frame was built, the old style double plate fork crown was getting scarce and was soon to be replaced by the sloping Cinelli crown.

Fotos courtesy of Tom Rawson.

Below, a Magnum Opus Ph II from the mid-1960s in original spectacular full chrome finish.

Fotos courtesy of the owner.

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